Am 24.10.2020 fand die erste Hauptversammlung von TEMPO statt, auf der u.a. die Eröffnung des International Forum auf der Webseite bekannt gegeben wurde. Hier die offizielle Meldung:
Today we celebrate TEMPOs 1st Birthday (and have a present)
Over the course of the last year our Federation has grown to 21 members of 20 countries, representing over 3000 film editors worldwide. And more organisations are in the process of joining.
Risen out of the great collegiality, respect, solidarity and the unifying spirit of the International Film Editors Forum at EdiMotion (formerly FilmPlus festival) TEMPO has established their own website (, a YouTube channel and Instagram presents to share its message: United we are stronger.
Numerous international task forces have been set up to find solutions for editors matters and improve the performances of our individual organisations, by sharing information, discovering diverse approaches and brainstorming on bold ideas.
Today we will open the FORUM on our website, to the members of our organisations to meet and communicate with each other and to experience the tremendous enrichment your representatives have already shared over the past year. Please contact your association to get access.
Altogether a very successful 1st year and there will be more to come.
Happy Birthday and stay tuned!