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Oscars streichen Best Film Editing aus der Liveshow

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Bei der diesjährigen Verleihung der Academy Awards sollen acht Kategorien vorab statt wie bisher in der Livesendung verliehen werden. Unter ihnen auch "Best Film Editing".

Ein Statement von TEMPO dazu gibt es hier.

"We are astonished and disappointed by AMPAS' decision to eliminate the presentation of eight award categories – including Best Film Editing – from their upcoming live show.

As an organization indirectly representing thousands of film editors around the world, we strongly believe that all creative disciplines should be treated equally. Prioritizing certain of these creative disciplines over others is in direct conflict with The Academy's intent to celebreate the collaborative art of filmmaking.

The nominees in all categories across the board deserve to be fully included and celebrated with the same dignity and respect."

Eine Petition, die die Übertragung aller Kategorien einfordert, kann man hier unterzeichnen.