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Statement von TEMPO zum Krieg in der Ukraine

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We, the members of the international film editing community TEMPO, strongly condemn Russian President Putin's military violence against the free country of Ukraine and its inhabitants. His actions constitute gross violations of international law causing many casualties and refugees in his attempt to silence the voice of resistance and truth.

We stand in solidarity with the government and people of Ukraine, and support all those fighting for their self-determination and standing up for their basic freedoms – both within Ukraine as well as in Russia and Belarus and around the world. We urge all of our governments to actively resist the injustice of autocrats against a peaceful and democratic country and its people.

As an organisation aimed at international collaboration between film professionals, we reach out to all Ukrainian filmmakers to offer our help and support, in the spirit of freedom and peace. We stand shoulder to shoulder with all organisations and individuals worldwide who fight, in word and deed, these violations by Putin and the Russian army.

TEMPO supports the initiative by Crew United of Filmmakers For Ukraine.

End the war. Peace for all.
TEMPO - Federation of Film Editors Associations

Am 11.03. wurde vom BFS eine Rundmail mit einem Spendenaufruf und einer Bedarfsliste für Filmemacher*innen in der Ukraine verschickt. Wir freuen uns über eure Sachspenden!