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TEMPO Think Tank: The Art Of Documentary Film Editing

Ort & Datum

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Beginn: 15:00 Uhr



| Events & Termine

Unser Dachverband TEMPO hostet auf der IDFA ein Event zur Zukunft des Dokumentarfilmschnitts und das BFS-Team Dok:Schnitt:Zukunft ist involviert:

For the first time TEMPO teams up with IDFA for a combined think tank on the future of Documentary Film Editing.

IDFA recognizes that in all filmmaking, but especially in documentaries, the editing phase is essentially where a film gets it’s form, shape, balance, subtlety, and substance. This and future talks will be about the art of documentary film editing.

The first edition will focus on the results of a new survey by the German Film Editors Association BFS. Initiated by a BFS work group called Dok:Schnitt:Zukunft (Docs:Edit:Future), the survey analyzes the current working conditions for documentaries in the German film industry. It reveals how the quality of documentaries could be much better if conditions for editors were improved. Topics of discussion will include: realistic planning of editing durations, realistic fees, transparency in budgets, assistant editors on all docs, and post-production funding.

Film editors Anne Fabini (Germany, BFS) and Giusy Naitana (Denmark, DFKS) will lead the think tank; several international members of TEMPO associations will join in and all other tempo members are welcome to join online.

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